🗳️How to Win Big in Prediction Markets

Plus Our Prediction Pick This Week

📰Market Update

Is the Market Wrong?

The Federal Reserve made it clear that an interest rate cut is coming. But the market isn’t sure how big the interest rate cut will be.

The market is more confident in a smaller cut, but two major banks today projected that the Federal Reserve will cut rates by a larger amount.

This presents a huge opportunity for us Predictors - for those of us that correctly predict a larger interest rate cut, a potential 400% return awaits.

You can get in on this trade - predict the Federal Reserve’s next move and you could win big. Join Kalshi, the only legal prediction market in the US:

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Three of Polymarket’s largest traders are positioned to win over $13M if Trump wins the election.

Bloomberg Terminal Integrates Polymarket Odds

Trump extends Presidential lead - the whole election could swing for the candidate who wins the state of Pennsylvania.

✨New Markets

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💎Our Pick This Week

Here’s the current Presidential election outlook, by state:

Pennsylvania and Nevada are currently the closest races. The winner of this election is going to have to win Pennsylvania - the state’s electoral college vote is worth three times more than Nevada’s.

Due to the large number of electoral votes that Pennsylvania holds, it’s likely to be the “Tipping Point Jurisdiction”, which means it’ll be the state that puts either candidate over the required 270 electoral votes.

We’ll take YES on Pennsylvania as the tipping point state in the Presidential Election.